As some Texans age or develop certain medical conditions, it is increasingly apparent that they need help with their care. More so, however, they may need help making important decisions. From health care to money, when someone is no longer able to make his or her own decisions, he or she needs a guardian. By filing with a Texas judge, a concerned relative or friend can apply for guardianship.
The decision of whether an individual needs a guardian or whether the applicant is the appropriate guardian, however, is up to the judge. For Casey Kasem’s children, the judge has ruled that Kasem did not need a conservator. The radio and television personality, who lives with advanced Parkinson’s disease, is currently being cared for by his wife.
Kasem’s children believe that their stepmother is keeping them from seeing their father and from making decisions about his medical care. As part of the judge’s decision, the judge took some time to visit Kasem, yet it seems he has not received information about Kasem’s condition from his doctors. Despite this, he issued his ruling that Kasem did not need a guardian.
As parents and family members age, it can be incredibly difficult to come to a consensus on what is best. Many relatives want to respect a loved one’s wishes, even if he or she no longer has the capacity to make his or her own decisions. Sometimes, however, there is disagreement, which could lead to competing claims for conservatorship. By building a solid case with an elder law attorney, however, it may be possible to show why one individual is the more suitable guardian.
Source:The Associated Press, “Judge Rules Casey Kasem’s Care is ‘Adequate’ — For Now,” Oct. 15, 2013